March 2021

Donna S. Bellinger, Contributes Strength To International Women’s Day Week Episode on Entrepreneurship Live at 8:45pm CT

March 15, 2021 // 0 Comments

"I'm happy to be here tonight celebrating Women's History Month. This is what I do with teaching people how to have revenue-generating conversations; it's not just sales, but it's also about getting people to truly appreciate your confidence, your value, what you're able to bring so that you don't listen to the noise around you...I'm not like this person or that person, you're not supposed to. Anytime I contribute in any small way to anyone's progress or joy; that is a blessing." ~Donna [...]

Donna S. Bellinger, “AskDSB” Shares Her Entrepreneurship Style on Entrepreneurship Live Show

March 6, 2021 // 1 Comment

"When you start worrying about the competition, you can't do it from a perspective of scarcity. The question is: What are they doing to get more visibility than I'm getting, or is it time for me to next level? Stop bottom feeding...and you know what's on the bottom(raised brow). You want to be where the pure water is...not so congested." ~ Donna S. Bellinger | AskDSB.com [...]