D.M. Simpson

Beneficience.com PR welcomes North Carolina & emerging celebrity author and book solutions entrepreneur, D.M Simpson with DMS Solutions to our high-value client catalogue for Public Relations communication management In The News Making headlines Today!

Visit the image of above to view Author D.M. Simpson’s opening news-making headliner today at Beneficience.com PR online!
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“Books are the gateway to adventures waiting to be taken, roads to be traveled, and stories to be experienced.”

–@D.M. Solutions

Lady Tracey Bond DoubleOHHSeven™, Certified Public Relations Management at Beneficience.com Prolific Personage PR asked Author, D.M. Simpson why she chose her and her PR operative to become her official publicist and brand manager of record?

Author, D.M. Simpson said: I chose to hire Beneficience PR, operated by Lady Tracey Bond DoubleOHHSeven™ because speaking with her we connected on so many different levels and have a lot of similar views. She feels like family!

Lady Tracey Bond DoubleOHHSeven™ said: “I feel the same, like a twin sister flame…welcome D.M. Simpson to the high-vale client family here at Beneficience.com Public Relations worldwide online!

Dawn Simpson is an accomplished self-published fiction author with an international
following, and writing coach. She has released five books through Amazon. Dawn coaches
aspiring fiction authors on starting and completing their books through the self-publishing
process. With a lifetime of storytelling, eight years of writing and publishing experience, five
years of coaching practice, and cover design skills she is someone you will want in your
corner. She has received a Meritorious Honor Award, a Bachelor of Science degree in
Criminal Justice

Youtube Video Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfQR96mu-7tNyvGleek5eww

DM Simpson | Released books by DM Simpson

Visit her website at DM Simpson’s Website

Seeking Media Bookings with D.M. Simpson?

Submit Your Entertainment Media Interview Requests for emerging celebrity authorpreneur, Dawn Simpson, pen name D.M. Simpson | DMS Solutions within the form below: D.M. Simpson will be available for select media events, podcasts, radio & television broadcasts, speaking engagements, etc. that support her book entertainment and business solutions industry culture, and activity she will “trend” to share on multimedia platforms online to offline.

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